Smith on Music

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Smith on Music

What’s Next for Stapp? A Crowdsourcing Campaign, Of Course

What does one do after a crazy week that included posting a paranoid 15-minute video on one’s Facebook page? If you’re Scott Stapp, you launch a crowdsourcing campaign to [hopefully] obtain funding for a new solo album, while also announcing that you want to write a book.
Stapp hopes to raise $480,000 to invest in his next solo album, which he hopes will lead to a reunion with producer Howard Bensen and engineer Chris Lord-Alge; the potential book, which is planned as a work of fiction, would be his first in that category. Wanna help? >>>
Stapp has removed the 15-minute video clip that he posted on Facebook last week, in which he claimed that he was penniless and that he’d been sleeping in his car. It has been replaced it with a statement. It reads as follows:
“I’m going to step back and let God control everything from here on. I should have continued to do that before I allowed my hurt, frustration and emotions take control and post those videos.
“All I can say is that the truth will set you (me) free, and I’m holding on to Jeremiah 29:11 and Isaiah 44:8. This is a test of faith, and I will never give up or lose my faith. No matter what. This will be my last statement until after justice is served. Love to you all my friends.”